Thursday, 1 September 2011
Life is just going On !!
Life is just going On !!
Time is just move On !!
Life is just a joy , So dancing is rock on !!
Life is a struggle , So fighting is going on !!
Life is a race , So cometition is first on !!
Life is a challenge ,So struggle is move on !!
Life is a passion ,So courage is following on !!
Life is a sharing , so Friendship is going on !!
Life is enjoyment , So heart is just move on !!
Life is a compromise , So adjustment is going on !!
Life is a appreciation ,So motivation is move on !!
Life is a gambling, So game is going on !!
Life is a Love , So Relation is going on !!
Life is a music , So every rythem is beating on !!
Life is a laughter , So laughing should be on!!
Life is a sweet ,So bittering is move on !!
Life is sadness , So paining is high on !!
Life is a delicious , So Smelling is full on !!
Life is a fear ,So Power of willing ness is on !!
Life is a horrible , So every step with attitude is just move on !!
Life is a icecream,So melting is going on !!
Like a wind it is just blowing on !!
Who knows what next ??
Every day on risk is just going on !!